Christ Church - The Current Week's Bulletin

YouTube Live Stream link and bulletin for 8:45 AM Sunday Service.

Give to Christ Church Mckeansburg through our Tithely giving link here.


Christ Church McKeansburg
6 South Race Street
New Ringgold, Pennsylvania 17960
570-943-2822 8:45AM
Senior Pastor: Jonathan Heim 570-581-6122
Youth Pastor: Rev. Mark Shellhamer 570-449-3697
December 1, 2024 1st Sunday of Advent

Prelude “The Birthday of The King” Solo Daniel Heim
Music Ministers - Mrs. Denise Hafer & Mrs. Joy Nairn
Announcements: Elder Allen Mantz

*Processional: Let All Mortal Flesh ……… #166

*Solemn Declaration / *Choral Amen

*Call to Worship: Psalm 25
P: In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.
C: Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.
P: Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
C: Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old.
P: Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.
C: He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.
(Please be seated)

Lighting of the Advent Candle
“Hope”, the Prophecy Candle

*Praise Hymn: “Gratitude” ….……….……..…...J2O
(Please be seated)

Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7……...………………pg #1073
John 12:20-27……………...……pg #1671

Prayers & Lord’s Prayer / *Response / Offering
Offertory “Every Time I Hear His Name”

Children’s Message “Time for a Light”

Sermon Hymn: I Wonder As I Wander ….…pg #183

Sermon: “Words to Live By”

Holy Communion    
Call to Confession/Prayer of Confession #418   
Assurance of Pardon / Invitation / Prayer of Consecration/  
Distribution of Elements / Prayer of Thanksgiving    

* Benediction

*Recessional: O Come, O Come, …………... pg #169

Please come to the Altar during this time if you would like special prayer for physical healing or any other need.

Silent Prayer (seated) / Postlude / *Please stand if you are able.


Today: December 1, 2024 _ _ Welcome to Worship!
First of the Month Offering
Consider Staying for Sunday School

December 2nd Monday – 6pm Emmaus Reunion Prayer Group

December 4th Wednesday – 6pm Adult Choir Practice
7pm Adult Bible Study - Hebrews

December 7th Saturday –Circle of Friends Soup and Cookie Sale has been cancelled

December 8th Sunday – Church covered dish Christmas Party following worship.

December 10th Tuesday – 5-6:30pm Soup Kitchen, moved to the 2nd week
7pm Consistory

December 13th Friday – 7pm TAG

December 22nd is the Children’s Christmas Pageant